A Hoffman's Hi-Proteen for

Every Taste and Purpose

Bob Hoffman is the pioneer in the Special Health Food line. He started it all, and offers the most. complete and finest line of high protein foods. in the special food industry. Hoffman products are the best by any test. There is no need to experiment, you can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy Hoffman products. They taste good and are good for you.

Hi-Proteen in powder form. Made in chocolate. and Carob malted. Vanilla, Plain (used largely for cooking) coconut and walnut. See advertisement page 18. $4.00 for 4 lbs., 4-4 pound packages, family size carton, $13.50.

Hi-Proteen malted milk tablets, made in Chocolate and Carob flavors. The most delicious high protein tablet being offered today. 2 pound cannisters, $2.00. Mr. America box $5.00. Standard Hi-Proteen tablets. Made in Vanilla and Plain, see advertisement page 42. Same price as malted tablets.

Hoffman's Gain Weight. Muscle Building Hi-Proteen, more than 70% of complete protein. 1 pound $3.00.

Hoffman's Gain Weight. Muscle building tablets, 400 large size tablets, $3.00.

Hoffman's Formula 63, a good Multi-Purpose protein product made of five complete proteins. Moderate in price considering quality, 63% protein. Price $2.00.

Hoffman's Super Hi-Proteen, more than 90% of the best proteins derived from advanced forms of milk, egg albumen and the soy bean. If you want the best high protein product in the world today, this is the product for you. Contains predigested, Enzymatic, Hydrolosates, as high as 99% assimable, tastes good. 1 lb. $5.00.

Hoffman's Super Hi-Proteen tablets. 400 large sized tablets $5.00, two pounds approximately 1000 tablets $10.00.

Hoffman's Reducing Aids, a completely new, a healthful and natural method of reducing and weight control. Made in chocolate and plain, 2 pounds, approximately 1000 tablets, $5.00. Hoffman's Vegetarian Hi-Proteen. A strictly. vegetable product, 70% protein. 1 lb. $2.00. Hoffman's Soy Germ Oil Tablets. Contains the oil of germinated soy beans, in a soya milk base. Somewhat salty to the taste. Many members of the Olympic team thought it was our best tablet. 2 pounds, approximately 1000 tablets, $5.00. Hoffman's Vitamin-Mineral tablets.

The same formula we have been offering for six years. We think it one of the best. Advertised on page 43. One month's supply $3.00. Economy size, three month's supply. $8.00.

SPECIAL OFFER-To any purchaser of $25.00 worth of the special foods listed in this column, we will send entirely free of charge, a $5.00 cannister of Hoffman's best product, Super Hi-Proteen, in powder form. This is your chance to obtain a real bargain, a generous supply of the material your body has been craving, at a very moderate price. Hoffman's products are already priced low considering their value, and with the free five dollar offer, you make a worthwhile. saving, 20%.

West of the Mississippi and foreign orders add postage. 50 cents for two pounds, $1.00 for four pounds, $2.00 for family size powder, foreign add $1.00 for each four pounds.

Order from Bob Hoffman, York, Pa.



We have made arrangements to manufacture and ship Hi-Proteen in powder form from Brantford, Ontario. As a result, our Canadian friends can now obtain this complete health and body-building food at advertised U.S. prices without additional postage or duty. For the present, we will have Hi-Proteen in powder form in Chocolate, Vanilla and Plain flavors only. Four dollars per tour-pound package, $13.50 for the family size of four 4-pound packages prepaid to any part of Canada. Hi-Proteen tablets in Canada are $3.50 per 2-pound cannister (approximately 1,000 tablets) prepaid. Send your orders and remittances York, Pa. Shipment will be made from Brantford.


(Continued from page 3)

very beneficial one. Faster walking, walking uphill, coupled with slow running is much more beneficial. But the patients with gangrenous legs were benefitted by slow walking, they saved their legs.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. How much better it would be if everyone made a habit of exercise, preventive exercise, which increases the circulation and the respiration and prevents most heart and arterial diseases before they start, and lessens the severity of arterial and veinous difficulties. Here's another quote from Today's Health, which illustrates this prevention point.

"Exercise is good for the human heart." Chicks were fed diets which produce atherosclerosis, the clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits. Half were made to exercise twice daily for 30 minutes, the others rested. The exercising chicks had less cholesterol (a fatlike material in their blood) and less atherosclerosis."-Dr. Harry Y. C. Wong and Associates, Howard University College of Medicine.

Where did modern doctors get this erroneous idea of bed rest for most Cerany sort of physical ailment? tainly this mistaken idea has killed. millions of people who would have lived long and useful lives. During all of the years of Strength and Health magazine, a quarter of a century, we have been writing of the value of exercise as a curative and preventative measure in disease and injury. In the early years of S & H, most doctors prescribed complete bed rest for most any troublesome physical condition. We wrote about this situation endlessly, but we were a very small voice in the sea of misinformation. Our voice grew as first one leading educator, a leading medical man, became sold on the value of exercise, soon like a rolling snowball with their voices added to ours, it became a big movement, enough so that nearly all modern doctors now recommend exercise to their patients. At one time surgery patients stayed in bed for weeks and months, even after child birth, women stayed in bed for weeks.

Prolonged bed rest conflicts directly with normal physiologic con-

ditioning. Bed rest robs the body of chalk, causing negative calcium balance. It weakens the tone of blood vessels and wastes the voluntary muscles. It leads to constipation, impairment of appetite, bed sores and pneumonia. Older readers will remember our story, "What Killed Wendell Wilkie." Wendell Wilkie was the Republican candidate for the Presidency. After a hard campaign he was a bit tired so went to a hospital for an examination. They said that nothing was wrong with him but that a good rest in bed would do him good. While resting in the hospital he contracted pneumonia and died. Thus prolonged bed rest deprived this country of one of its ablest men who was just in the prime of his life.

Endlessly we brought out the point that even a strong man who remains in bed will lose his strength so that he can not even walk. How could anyone become cured remaining constantly in bed. which was the old method of cure? Over the years, we offered countless cases of those who had overcome the most serious ills In fact, by progressive exercise. many of our early weight-lifting champions became champions because they took up the practice of weight training to overcome their diseased or weakened hearts, their consumptive lungs, and other organic weaknesses. They cured themselves, and then went on to become the strongest men and the best lifters in America.

Through the centuries there has been unlimited evidence to show that exercise is not only a wonderful preventive of disease but the best cure known. Yet in this age when we have jet planes, marvelous automobiles, radio and television, there are still doctors who say that exercise is not necessary. Why? Do they really believe this, or do they oppose exercise because they know it will decrease their business? I fear the latter is the truth, for the weight of evidence so well illustrates the value of exercise in preventing and curing most every physical ailment. This problem was very much on my mind so in spending a quiet weekend, I looked over many of the books in my private library to see what doctors had been writing about exercise for the last

(Continued on page 6) STRENGTH AND HEALTH


York Tarbell and Dumbell Syste

What you get when you order this popular set:

1. York DELUXE barbell in five-foot length, made of solid steel with knurled handgrips and the latest type (patent applied for) wrenchless collars and an assortment of York DELUXE barbell plates which make up the advertised weight.

2. Pair of 14-inch solid steel machined dumbell bars with revolving hand grips, four outside collars and a special wrench. 3. Pair of the latest type iron Health Boots with straps. York was the first to manufcature and sell health boots, which permit the practice of a variety of exercises to develop, condition and rejuvenate the legs. Besides keeping your legs young, springy and enduring, the use of these weighted shoes trims and strengthens the mid-section.

4. Heavy duty head strap for neck development. This substantial strap will give you years of service.

5. Wrist roller to develop the hands, wrists and forearms.

6. The solid steel bars can quickly and easily be used for swingbells and leverage bells as well as dumbells.

7. Book containing York courses No. 1 and No. 2. This famous basic barbell-dumbell bodybuilding system has been used by more champions than any other course.

8. Book containing York courses No. 3 and No. 4, weight lifting training. Courses to develop the muscular groups together in a coordinated manner.

9. A book of leg-developing exercises; three complete courses and three wall charts.

10. Bob Hoffman's famous Swingbell System of Training. This course, illustrated by Mr. America, brings variety to your training with 40 exercises. which are exclusive with York.

When you get a York combination set, you are making a lifetime investment. Be sure you invest your money wisely, in a York set. The world-famous York courses and equipment, which never wears out, will serve you all the years of your



120-lb. York 10-in-1. 170-lb. York 10-in-1.

220-lb. York 10-in-1.

270-lb. York 10-in-1.

(All prices F.O.B. York)

Place your order today; train the York THE BEST way.

Order from






